Romanska was well-known everywhere, but it is connected by most people to Pécsudvard (perhaps because of its good dancers). It was labeled as a complicated dance, so not many could do it; it is hard to reconstruct it from the fragments we have today.

Both men and women danced it, in an open circle, hands lowered and held. The best dancer stood at the left end of the circle. If there was a change in steps or direction, he dictated it.

Radics Márkó, the famous dancer from Pécsudvard, could perform it doing the trembles in the most beautiful way (sitno) and with lots of improvisations.

It was danced either symmetrically or only to the left. The tune of Romanska was one beat longer in Kökény, which needed one more knee-bend. That tune is slower; it resembles a piper’s play, whereas the Pécsudvard theme is much faster, probably because of the violin.

The following yelling-like line, sung for a tune, is also from Kökény:

Aj, sviraj racki, da igram Romanski!        Play music in Serbian style, I dance Romanski!

Romanska shows kinship with Drmavica among the Bosnian dances.



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