Every village views it differently whether Tandrčak is an old or a new dance (from the 1930s). The hold, the formation in the space, and the steps suggest the latter, though.

It is danced by both men and women, mostly with lowered arms holding each other’s hand, in a closed or open circle. The motifs are begun to the left (which is typical of Bosnian dances) dancing them symmetrically to the left, then to the right. Their main features are the quick, small, traveling steps and the occasional virtuoso series of downbeat trembles built on knee-bends; sometimes, for the sake of the show, several steps are condensed into one musical part, though its length would not allow it.

Short (two-lined) songs are sung during the dance, analogically to the tune and lyric in Slavonia.

The virtuoso melody of Tandrčak by the local fiddler (Patak or Stipa) is known from Pécsudvard, where this dance was the most favored one. Its musical analogies are found in Slavonia and among the Bunjevac in Bačka, but among the later ones, it was transformed into a partner dance.



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